Saturday, June 25, 2011

Download Action Essentials 2 HD (720p) [LINK FIXED]

Ini adalah Product andalan saya dari Video Copilot.. bagi yg ingin mendownloadnya.. siap siap.. bersabar, hihi atau mencuci mata dulu sebelum mendownloadnya (Klik Disini)

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Download FIFA 2011

Game FIFA 11/2011 merupakan game keluaran terbaru dari EA Sport. Game PC Fifa 11 Update terbaru ini membuat beberapa perubahan seperti cara mematikan bola dari setiap pemain dan, mampu melihat kemampuan individu yang tercermin dalam permainan, sehingga memungkinkan perbedaan yang jelas dari setiap pemain.

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Download Mass Effect 2

Mass Effect 2 merupakan game yang dikeluarkan oleh Bioware, dimana Bioware sendiri merupakan salah satu publisher game terbaik tahun ini. Tahun ini Bioware mengetarkan pasar game dunia dengan mengeluarkan dua game canggih, yaitu Dragon Age : Awakening serta Mass Effect 2. Dua game ini langsung masuk dalam jajaran game terbaik All-Time versi Gamespot, yang membuktikan kualitas dan kemampuan dari Bioware sendiri.
Mass Effect 2 bercerita tentang masa depan manusia dan Bumi, ketika pada tahun 2200 manusia menemukan sebuah alat yang bernama Mass Relay yang menghubungkan galaksi bumi dengan berbagai galaksi lainnya. Manusia lalu bersatu membentuk The Systems Alliance, yang bertugas untuk melakukan ekspansi ke berbagai galaksi lainnya. Manusia lalu bertemu dengan bangsa alien, dan memulai era manusia yang baru.
Game ini merupakan lanjutan dari game pertama (Mass Effect) yang menceritakan tentang Commander Shepard, yaitu salah satu pahlawan Systems Alliance. Pada game pertama Shepard berhasil mengalahkan invasi bangsa robot yang bernama Geth, dan berhasil mempertahankan The Citadel. Segala perbuatan Shepard pada game pertama, akan berpengaruh pada keadaan galaksi pada Mass Effect 2. Sehingga jika memainkan game ini dari awal, maka akan terasa berbeda karena kita merasa kita mampu membentuk suatu cerita.
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Friday, June 24, 2011

Download Age Of Empire 3 Patch 1.12

Bagi agan agan yg AOE  3 nya sering crash ato Hang.. mungkin patch ini bisa membantu agan agan yg lagi sedang kesusahan.. wkwkwk..

The Microsoft Age of Empires 3 update 1.12 will fix the following bugs in the game:
  • Support for Windows Vista with fixes for various capability issues
  • Added a new random map, The Unknown
  • Added ability to see if a friend on ESO is playing a game
  • After each game players will now be granted bonus experience, meaning all Home Cities will now level up faster
  • Players on your pest list will not be able to join your game if you are the host
  • The experience requirement to level up Home Cities that are level 100 or higher has decreased
  • New avatars available on ESO
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Download Age Of Empire 3 : The WarChiefs

Download Age of Empires III: The WarChief adalah paket terbaru ekspansi untuk penjualan terbaik game real-time strategy (RTS) tahun 2005: “Age of Empires III dari studio esemble dan studio game Microsoft.
Ok silahkan download Age Of Empires III: The WarChiefs memungkinkan pemain atas segala usia dan tipe dalam sejarah perang Amerika.

Download Age of Empires III: The WarChief
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Thursday, June 23, 2011

Download F.E.A.R. 3 SKIDROW Repack

Games F.E.A.R 3 (sering juga ditulis sebagai F.3.A.R). Memungkian sekuel terbaru dari seri F.E.A.R yang di ciptakan oleh developer Day 1 Studio. Kali ini, F.E.A.R 3 tampil dengan berbagai macam tambahan fitur baru. Gameplay F.E.A.R 3 menampilkan seistem “cover” yang di perbaharui, musuh-musush baru, dan sebuah alur cerita yang tidak kalah menakutkan dari sebelumnya. Sebagai mana, Developer Day 1 Studio, menjelaskan tetang fitur co-op yang dapat di mainkan baik secara offline bersama teman lain, atau pun secara online multiplayer. Karakter utama game ini adalah sang “Point Man “,
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Download Mozilla Firefox 5 Beta 7

Waktu ane browsing.. eh.,..gak sengaja nemu mozilla firefox 5 di website resminya mozilla, terpaksa ane langsung posting deh.. keburu telat ntar.. hehe

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Download Rainmeter 1.2 Final

Rainmeter adalah aplikasi untuk memonitor proses atau system windows di desktop. Dilengkapi dengan macam macam skin yang keren dan pemakaian memory yang cukup bersahabat. Jadi jangan takut install karena takut bikin berat komputer.

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Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Download Playboy : The Mansion RIP And Full Version

Game Playboy: The Mansion adalah game simulasi, yang mengaharuskan anda untuk membangaun rumah playboy dan menjadi ikon brand, Di game ini anda diwajib kan untuk berpetualang cinta, membuat hiburan yang tak terduga, sehingga anda mempunyai jiwa Playboy, karena itu adalah gaya hidup anda, di game ini anda dapat bercinta, mengusap tubuh wanita hingga menjadi stunning, waw,...!!!. Kelebihan lain game ini adalah banyak selebrti wanita serta grafisnya yang FULL 3Dimensi, dan kamera dapat di zoom sesuka hati anda,...YukDownload PLAYBOY: The Mansion ini,...
Genre: Simulation | Style: Business Sim | Release: 2005
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Download Guitar Hero Aerosmith RIP

Mungkin ni game udah keluar lama, dan saya juga maen udah lama walaupun udah jarang maen, jadi ya balik cupu lagi. Yah langsung aja, nih game sama kayak guitar hero lainya, bedanya ya cuman versi Aerosmith aja, banyak lagu-lagunya dari Aerosmith, gitu aja deh kayaknya.

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Download Update Database Kaspersky 2012 19 June 2011

Melihat dari traffic download database kaspersky 2012 sebelumnya, sepertinya masih banyak yang mencari update database terbaru,,

untuk itu, kebetulan ada waktu luang, saya sempatkan mengupload update database Kaspersky 2012 tanggal 19 june 2011

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Cara Update Offline Kaspersky Internet Security 2012

Untuk update offline KIS 2012 dari folder...
berikut langkah-langkahnya :

  1. Buka jendela utama Kaspersky
  2. Pada pojok kanan atas, Klik tombol Setting
  3. Klik Update Setting
  4. Pada sebelah kanan jendela Update Setting, klik tombol Update Source
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Monday, June 20, 2011

Cara Menginstal Windows XP SP3 Pada PC

Barusan Temen ane Request Cara nginstal Windows XP SP3. yahh langsung aja ane buatin...hehe..lansung aja deh.,.Hal pertama yang anda butuhkan adalah sebuah komputer. Lalu, anda harus mempunyai CD installer Windows XP. Banyak pilihan mengenai versi ini. Menurut info, Seri yang terakhir dari Windows XP adalah Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 3 (Bisa cari di google). Kebetulan laptop teman saya udah ada CD installer beserta Serial number – nya. Dan satu lagi, anda harus menyiapkan driver bawaan untuk peripheral lainnya. Seperti motherboard, VGA, sound, modem, Ethernet Card dan sebagainya.
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Download Kaspersky Internet Security 2012 v12.0.0.374 – Full Version With Key

Kaspersky sebagai pengembang dari Kaspersky Internet Security, telah mengeluarkan versi terbaru untuk Kaspersky Internet Security yaitu Kaspersky Internet Security 2012 versi Kaspersky Internet Security 2012 merupakan salah satu Program Anti Virus dan Internet Security terbaik saat ini.
Kaspersky sangat ampuh dalam membunuh virus ataupun malware yang dapat merusak sistem komputer kita, sehingga membuat peminatnya semakin hari semakin banyak. Kaspersky Internet Security (KIS) 2012 merupakan salah satu produk anti virus terbaik di dunia. Tak heran jika anti virus ini banyak diburu orang di internet.
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Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Download The Sims 3 Expansion Pack & Stuff Pack (Link Fixed)

The Sims 3 

The Sims 3 is built upon the same concept as its predecessors. Players control their own Sims' activities and relationships in a manner similar to real life. The gameplay is open-ended and does not have a defined goal. Challenges occur randomly based on aspects of each Sim's lifestyle, such as relationships, skills and job. Career opportunities such as working overtime or completing special tasks can yield a pay raise, cash bonus, or relationship boost. Skill opportunities are requests by neighbors or community members for Sims to solve problems using their acquired skills for cash or relationship rewards. If the opportunity is connected to a Sim's school, the reward may be increased school performance.

System Requirements :

Minimum Requirement

Operating System: Windows XP Service Pack 2 / Windows XP Service Pack 1 Processor: Core 2 Duo 2GHz or equivalent Memory: 2 GB RAM Graphics: ATI or NVIDIA card w/512 MB RAM DirectX: Version 9.0 Hard Drive: 3 GB available space 

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The Sims 3 World Adventures Expansion Pack

The Sims 3 World Adventures Expansion Pack. This page will start as a listing of new features in World Adventures, and gradually expand to include articles on all the new features, as well as updates to existing guides that have been improved. Here we'll go over just what you get when you buy the World Adventures expansion. Look for links on this page for more information on certain topics. We're working hard to get the new content out as quickly as possible. One day this page will serve as a gateway for most information related to the expansion.

System Requirements :

Minimum Requirement

Operating System: Windows XP / Vista / 7Processor: Core 2 Duo 2GHz or equivalent Memory: 2 GB RAM Graphics: ATI or NVIDIA card w/512 MB RAM DirectX: Version 9.0 Hard Drive: 3 GB available space 

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    The Sims 3 Island Paradise Expansion Pack
    The Sims 3 Island Paradise arrives June 25, and I will of course be covering the new features of the Expansion Pack. This time, I'm summarizing information from press releases to describe the biggest gameplay features of the new EP to inform visitors who'd like to know what to expect when they buy it. I'll link new articles to this page as they come. I cannot start until I've got a copy in my hands, and I don't get it any earlier than any other Sims player. As stated, I compiled this from press releases. The page combines information and screenshots that EA has released over the months since announcing the IP Expansion.

    Isla Paradiso
    Island Paradise's new town is called Isla Paradiso. This new tropical world has vast seas with islands to explore and make your home. The setting provides for many new activities for Sims that involve the water, like snorkeling, house boats, lifeguards, mermaids, resorts, and beach parties. The World features Uncharted Islands that Sims can unlock to find treasure chests and collectibles, and maybe even meet Mermaids. Sims will be able to use poolside bars, sleep in bungalows and walk across hot coals at beach parties. The setting is there, and this is yet another Sims 3 World that will look great with the Seasons Expansion Pack. EA didn't disappoint in making a beautiful island setting for us, and players who preorder the limited edition through Origin will get loads of extra content, such as the Island Survival pack that lets you dress your Sims as though they're surviving a shipwreck on a desert island. Beach activities have been expanded with more ways to have fun and relax in the sunshine, like building sandcastles with the kids, sunbathing on beach towels, splashing in the ocean water, and riding in paddleboat.

    Diving Skill: Snorkeling and Scuba
    Sims can now explore beneath the water with the new Snorkeling and Scuba skills. This means that EA has included a variety of sea life that Sims can interact with, sea shells and bottom-dwelling fish. including Be wary as Sharks may want to eat your Sim for lunch. As Sims explore new dive spots, they will level the skill and it will allow them to find sunken treasure. Down below, Sims can dive for pearls and sell seashells. Sims who wish can explore underwater caves to search for treasures, but all must be wary of the Kraken that lives in its cave beneath the ocean depths. Sims can drown, running out of air, and will not be able to dive constantly, as a moodlet will block them -- but we all know testing cheats will probably take care of that. The new Steel Lungs Lifetime Reward should help with this as well.
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    The Sims 3 Supernatural Expansion Pack

    The Sims 3 Supernatural is focused on bringing new life states to the game, and establishes an appropriate setting for these creatures to live in one town with Moonlight Falls. This guide will cover the largest gameplay additions for owners of this Expansion Pack.

    First, let me point out that the new Supernatural states can be selected in Create-a-Sim. So, you can start with Sims of any type save for Mummies, Simbots, Imaginary Friends or the Supernatural Zombie. This means that including those listed below, you can also make Ghosts and Genies in CAS.

    Note the new option to customize the look of your Supernaturals. You can change a fairy's wings, give vampires fangs and tattoos and change your Werewolf's look when transformed. Check the links below for full information on each.

    • Fairy fairies are tricksters that can project Auras that can be beneficial to Sims. They can also shrink down to interact with a few objects. They regain magical power while inside the Fairy House or the new Train Set. You can visit (or woohoo in) the Fairy Arboretum lot. Sims can look for fairies here and get fairy dust, or request to become a fairy themselves.
    • Werewolf Werewolves here are the classic type, an ugly distorted face with a very hairy body. Their speciality is their ability to use their heightened senses to hunt insects, gems, and metals. They undergo a forced transformation at the full moon. While in werewolf form they can bite other Sims to curse them with Lycanthropy and make them change two days later.
    • Witch Witches get a variety of spells to use to benefit themselves and other Sims, curse Sims by turning them into a Toad and can even turn one collectible like a seed into something else, like a gem or fish. They regenerate magical power by flying in the new Broom Arena. They can also magically upgrade objects. Upgrade a wardrobe to make it magical, which will work like the time machine or graveyards catacombs. Sims can also woohoo in a magical wardrobe.
    • Vampire Vampires are not new, they came with Late Night. They come with either expansion. They've been updated a bit to have their own Lifetime Wish, Turn the Town (drink from 20 Sims and convert 5 into vampires). They can wear sunscreen to minimize the effects of the sun, or take the new Immortallifetime reward to avoid the Sun's effects permanently and stop aging. There are also a few new interactions available to vampires, and their fangs can be customized in CAS.
    • Zombie This new life state is quite Simple. Zombies are socially inept, move slowly, and exist only to annoy Sims with their moaning interactions and an attempt to bite them. If they succeed, the Sim will be transformed to a Zombie for two full days after suffering an apparent death. Protect your gardenfrom these with fences and gates.
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    The Sims 3 University Life Expansion Pack

    The Sims 3 University Life is the ninth Expansion Pack for The Sims 3. The Expansion adds social groups, new career options, three new skills and a fully-featured University campus Sims will travel to in order to seek their degrees in one of six majors. This guide will cover all the new additions that the EP brings to TS3, which may aid your decision to buy University Life or inform you of new features when you've just purchased it.

    Sim University
    Most of the new content in The Sims 3 University Life is centered on the new University Campus town. When a Sim enrolls in University, they'll be whisked away World Adventures-style to the new location while time freezes back at home. The campus features buildings like administration, a lecture hall, sports arena and hangouts for the three new social groups. Learn more about enrolling in the University in our Enrollment and Aptitude Test Guide.

    Sims may select one of five Majors to earn their degree. Each of them are similarly structured, requiring Sims to attend class, lectures, and hands-on learning activities. Sims will need to keep their progress up by studying, attending class and learning skills that benefit their Major. When you have earned enough credits by passing classes, your Sim graduates and gets the degree, and a boost in careers related to their degree. This raises their starting career level and lets them earn more money. Learn more about the various majors in the guide to Majors and Getting a Degree.

    New Skills
    There are three new skills in The Sims 3 University Life:
    • Science - The Science skill allows Sims to clone themselves, other Sims, and collectible objects. Most of the skill revolves around collectibles and this cloning. They are also able to get access to the new life state in The Sims 3 University Life - PlantSims.
    • Social Networking - Social Networking allows your Sims to make money as a blogger and manipulate the relationships of other Sims around them.
    • Street Art - Street Art lets Sims make graffiti around town. It doesn't have to be vandalism, as these skills are highly desirable by the city looking for skilled artists to decorate the town.
    • Photography - University Life gives Simmers the Photography skill from World Adventures.
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    The Sims 3 Generations Expansion Pack

    The Sims 3 Generations expansion brings many exciting new possibilities for Sims of all ages. Generations focuses on enriching the lives of your Sims. This Guide to the new features brought by this expansion will give you a summary of what's new and link you to in-depth articles for the most important gameplay elements.

    New Profession - Day Care
    Sims can now take up Daycare by reading the newspaper or using the computer. This will invite children to your Sim's home and they'll be paid for watching them. It gets a little harder with more children, but the system gives you time to improve. Check out the guide to this profession through the link above.

    Pranks and Punishment - Kids and Teens
    Children can set booby traps, while Teenagers refine the art and can pull off Pranks. These give the rascals a good mood bump and are entertaining to watch. The wicked little pranksters can set up most everything in the house to blow, from whoopee cushions in the couch, to sinks and toilets. However, when they get caught, they can be disciplined by mom and dad. Check the pranks guide to learn more about discipline and punishments.

    Making Memories
    One of the new features of Generations is the ability to record video with a camera and review it on television. This is fairly cool, but with it comes a bit of a nuisance. At first, you will find it interesting to learn that your Sims now take note of big events in their life - first kiss, learning to drive. But the number of these can be overwhelming and sometimes silly. If you take a family of five on vacation they'll likely all show a popup denoting the new memory. If the notifications were crowded to you before, you'll want to turn this feature off. For people who stick it out, sharing memories can lead to achievements and clothing unlocks.
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    The Sims 3 Into The Future Expansion Pack

    The Sims 3 Into the Future Expansion Pack introduces a new Futuristic World and Skills, Careers, Objects, Sim clothing and hairstyles to fit the experience. This summary of Expansion features will let you know what you'll get when you buy Into the Future and link you to in-depth strategy guides for the new gameplay elements. Into the Future is the last Expansion Pack, heralding The Sims 4 which is currently planned for release in Fall 2014. With some exploration, you will find little easter eggs and teasers for TS4. I'll feature plenty of screenshots on this page to show off this beautiful Expansion.

    The Future World of Oasis Landing

    Oasis Landing is not a world you choose when creating a new game, but one that Sims can travel to (much like a travel destination in World Adventures or Attending Sim University. When first loading the game, a Time Traveler named Emit Relevart will appear and give you an Opportunity to help him. Once this easy task is completed, you are given an Almanac of Time and the ability to use the Time Portal to visit the Future. While a Sim (or Group of Sims) is in Oasis Landing, time will freeze back home while the Sims time traveling will continue to age and may gain skills, join careers, or simply have fun and enjoy Futuristic amenities.

    If you are looking for a Time Portal, you can find them in Buy Mode > Sort by Room > Outdoors > Outdoor Activies. It's the Wellsian Time Portal for $725. The Portal that appears in your world can be Deactivated and then placed in your Sim's inventory, so you can choose where you place it. While the portal is active, click Travel to the Future (or Travel to the Future with..) to head on in.

    An Introduction to the Future

    Most of the more complex mechanics are covered further in this guide, but there are some interesting things about Oasis Landing and the technology that developed over the years. First, there is no Ocean, but a Wasteland outside any of the Futures you visit. I'll leave reading the storyline and discovering why up to you. Advanced Technology reigns and Sim life fully revolves around it. Cars hover and Sims can get around on the ZEPHYR monorail system, pictured above. Elevators are engineered into tubes that move faster than usual and televisions are now projected like holograms in ultra high definition. The internet has been changed to a holoweb and the floating Orb computers can be used anywhere. Plumbots serve Sims in shops and out in town, while others are Sentient and free-thinking Robots. You are able to buy and upgrade these. Sims can get around on Windcarvers, which are like skateboards that hover. This can be used instead of walking when you click it in the inventory. Sims can also travel by Jet Pack, but you should be aware of the dangers of that activity and have plenty of Advanced Technology skill to use them, so see that section on this page. In fact, many of the new objects depend upon your Advanced Technology skill level to determine what will happen when you use them and the animations Sims use while performing those actions.
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    The Sims 3 Late Night Expansion Pack

    The Sims 3 Late Night was a highly anticipated expansion by Simmers who love watching Sims get down, socialize, and party. In this Guide to Late Night (remember, it's not called Night Life), I'll provide a list of new objects and gameplay features. Nothing in-depth, rather information that will help you to be sure you're experiencing everything the game has to offer. It may even help you decide whether The Sims 3 Late Night is an expansion you'll enjoy. Lastly, this guide will serve as a gateway to find other information exclusive to this expansion.

    A New Life in the City: Bridgeport

    The new city in The Sims 3 is Bridgeport. Simmers who wanted an apartment life now have it, and there's sparsely available land on which to build a traditional home. Instead, we're presented with high-rise apartment buildings. Parking space is also limited, and Sims may now use mass transit in the form of a subway system to get around.

    With the city, comes city life. Bridgeport's denizens and underbelly make Sunset Valley townies seem ultra-conservative. Woohoo can now be undertaken in hot tubs and elevators. Sims are more likely to head to a bar, lounge, or dance club than the park for their weekend kicks. As you'd expect, the full breadth of these features can't really be enjoyed in a town. Late Night is about club hopping and trying to find the hottest party atmosphere around.

    Party Time!
    Late Night's biggest feature in a nutshell is its Night Life. Bridgeport is filled with places to hang out and party. Dance Clubs, Lounges, and Bars dot the city, inviting Sims' money and beckoning them to let loose. A slew of new social interactions both on the fun and romantic sides now present themselves to allow Sims to show us just how much they're enjoying the night life.

    Celebrities can be spotted in clubs, and can be wooed for your Sims to be allowed to share their company. Player-controlled Sims can even climb the ladder of fame. Celebrity Sims get occasional gifts, even some exclusive objects, on a regular basis. They can hang with celebrities and move their way up the social ladder. Paparazzi will photograph celebs. The entire scene makes Late Night feel like it's placed in the Thirty Mile Zone.
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    The Sims 3 Pets Expansion Pack

    The Sims 3 Pets Expansion Pack adds something many Sims players have been waiting for, Pet Ownership. This guide will give you an overview of the new stuff you can use in-game, and link to in-depth articles about each new gameplay element.

    Multi-Platform: Two Major Differences
    The Sims 3 Pets was released for Xbox 360 and PS3 in addition to the usual PC/Mac release. Console players do not get horses, nor small animals like lizards, snakes, and rodents, but most other information should be pretty close. Just an FYI, we PC players are much happier with what we get overall. If you want a deeper experience, keep an eye out for a good multi-expansion pack bundle in the future. If you're reading this on a modern PC, it's very likely you can play it. If you are a Sims 3 console player, we do have a section on our forum where you can connect with each other.

    Pet Traits and Learning
    Large Pets have traits, just like Sims. They will learn new traits as the game progresses, and aren't limited to five trait choices like Sims. There are loads of options for tweaking your Pet's behavior. They'll gradually develop traits as they perform certain activities, and Sims can scold or praise behaviors to influence how quickly they are picked up. We'll add a guide to Pet traits as soon as we can. The descriptions are in-game, but we're interested in figuring out the actions Pets can perform to reveal traits, so you can make an animal that behaves however you like.
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    Download Dirt3 (Link Fixed!)

    DiRT 3 - will boast more cars, more locations, more routes and more events than any other game in the series, including over 50 rally cars representing the very best from five decades of the sport. DiRT 3 delivers mud, sweat and gears world over: from the intense weather-beaten rally stages of Europe, Africa and the US, to executing performance driving showcases and career challenges where car control is pushed to spectacular limits.

    System Requirement :

    OperatingSystem: Windows Vista® or Windows® 7Processor: AMD Phenom™ II or Intel® Core™ i7Memory: 3GBGraphics: AMD Radeon™ HD 6000 SeriesDirectX: DirectX® 11Hard Drive: 15GBSound Card: DirectX® compatible soundcard

    click to begin
    4.4 GB

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    Download Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 (MF)

    Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 Full PC Game

    * Release Name: Pro.Evolution.Soccer.2011-RELOADED
    * Size: 5.68 GB
    * Publisher: Konami
    * Developer: Winning Eleven Productions
    * Release Date: 28/09/2010
    * Genre: Sport
    * Language: English
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    Download Need For Speed World (2010) (MF)

    PC | ENG | Electronic Arts | EA Black Box and EA Singapore | 2010 | 930 MB
    Genre: Arcade / Racing (Cars) / 3D / Online-only / Massively multiplayer
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    Download GTA IV 6,5GB (MF)

    GTA IV Repack

    Release Name - GTA IV
    Type of the publication: RePack
    Platform: PC
    Ripped: Nothing
    Size of the file: 6.5 GB
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    Sunday, June 5, 2011

    Download Need For Speed : Undercover (MF/IDWS)

    Setelah kurang populer dengan Prostreet, Need for Speed kembali menggunakan tema balap jalanan yang dimeriahkan oleh kejaran polisi.  David Novan Tidak dapat dipungkiri lagi, nama Need for Speed telah terpatri dalam ingatan para gamer sebagai game balap jalanan yang menggunakan mobil paling keren pada zamannyaRead more »

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    Angry Birds Rio v1.1.0 For PC

    Penggemar Game Lucu Angry Birds yang beberapa waktu yang lalu sudah saya share?? Mungkin sobat blogger bisa menocoba versi terbarunya, yakni Angry Birds Rio v1.1.0 For PC. Ada beberapa peningkatan di kualitas di versi ini, silahkan di cek,,,
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    Saturday, June 4, 2011

    Download Need For Speed : Hot Pursuit Only 1,87 GB

    Hai Gan.. kali ini ane mau share game terbaru dan terhot..yaitu Need For Speed : Hot Pursuit tapi ukurannya cuman 1,87 GB. 100% tested n' worked by Me...

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